We Good Men Publication

Write for us

When submitting, please ensure the following:

Your submission should be original, just rehashing someone else's work constitutes plagiarism and is against Medium’s guidelines. Be original and be rewarded for your originality.

Research your topic well, lack of references and citations give your work low credibility and make it as valuable as any other opinion piece. If you are world famous then that’s fine, but for us mortals, we need facts to support our points of view.

Good headlines are also important although trying to clickbait people may not always work in the long term, try to be more informative and creative with your title to catch your reader's attention.

We want to ultimately help people, that’s the ultimate aim of this publication. If you want to truly help someone with some information make sure it’s not just some generic 5 best blah blah’s to blah blah. Medium already is full to the brim with these. Personal stories overcoming adversity, specific pain points and solutions, useful insights about something that can benefit the collective, are all welcome.

Linking out to another of your stories or two, is ok but fill your work with aggressive CTA’s (calls to action) will see you getting rejected.

We not only want to help men generally but each other too, so we will give priority to those writers who are behind the paywall over anyone submitting free content.

Please note that we reserve the right to edit images or content as part of your agreement to publish work on the We Good Men publication.

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    We reserve the right to edit images and any content that you submit as part of our editing process.